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Solving the DIPG Puzzle a Single Cell at a Time

For more than 15 years, pediatric neuro-oncologist Mariella Filbin, MD, PhD, has been on a scientific crusade to understand DIPGs.

DIPG Research
The Shape-Shifting Nature of Glioblastoma

A study analyzing the tumor cell by cell reveals that glioblastoma can morph between four distinct cell types.

Glioblastoma Research

Types of Brain Tumors in Children

If your child is diagnosed with a brain tumor, you will learn there are many different brain tumor types and classifications based upon the tumor’s cell structure, composition, rate of growth, location, and other characteristics. The name and classification of the tumor may change as your doctor gains new information about your child’s brain tumor or if the tumor changes over time.

The types of brain tumors most common in children are not the same as those most common in adults. Childhood brain tumors frequently appear in different locations and behave differently than brain tumors in adults.

Read our overview of childhood brain tumors, or learn about specific types of brain tumors below.

Types of Childhood Brain Tumors

Choroid plexus tumors

Germ cell tumors of the brain, including germinoma

There are four stages or “grades” of gliomas, according to how the cells look under a microscope. Ordered from least severe to most severe, they are:

Gliomas also can be named according to the type of glial cells involved or the location of the tumor. Glioma diagnoses include:

Neural tumors


Treatment for all types of brain tumors in children

The Brain Tumor Center at Dana-Farber/Boston Children's is a world-renowned destination for children with malignant and non-malignant childhood brain tumors. Meet our brain tumor specialists.